Some of our Scholarship Winners are sending you Holiday Cheer!
Please click below to enjoy the sounds of Christmas!
Santa Claus is Coming to Town – Katie
The Christmas Boogie – Christa
Oh Come All Ye Faithful – Whitney
Lo How a Rose ere Blooming – Claire and Coleen
Hark the Herald Angels Sing – Claire and Coleen
Silent Night – Claire and Coleen
The John Warman Scholarship Fund (JWS) is named in honor of John (“Doc”) Warman, a beloved Catholic educator and liturgist whose exceptional talent and passion for music made him a legend in his native Washington, DC. Since 2005, the JWS has provided tuition and other support for graduating 8th grade students who, like Doc, shared their musical gifts with their communities. Yearly awards typically have ranged from $1,000 to $5,000 per student.
After Doc’s passing in 2015, the JWS decided to focus its efforts on funding high-quality performing arts education and enrichment opportunities for low-income and minority students who attend Catholic or other religious schools. Co-curricular enrichment supports mental health, self-esteem, and academic success, and membership in a faith community supports the development of positive behaviors, attitudes, and relationships. Therefore, the JWS’ Join Our Youth (JOY) initiative will provide funding for students attending schools that exemplify a commitment to (1) diversity (2) music education and (3) community service and outreach.
Funding targets for selected schools and/or students would include:
- School music programs
- Instruments or supplies for qualifying schools or students
- High quality after-school performing arts instruction
- Tuition support for Individual students
- Other music or education-related needs

The JWS’ JOY program also will provide student-mentoring opportunities by:
- Establishing a network of public and private community partners, including universities, music schools, music teachers, musicians, performing arts academies, local school systems, local governments, and private companies to support elementary, middle, and high school students studying music.
- Engaging with mental health and education experts to study how music supports student emotional health, facilitates learning in students with learning disabilities, and benefits low-income communities.